大稻埕圓環防空蓄水池/The Dadaocheng Circle Air Defence Cistern
圓環自興建淡水線鐵路後逐漸繁榮, 從休閒公園「圓公園」發展到傍晚聚集小吃攤販, 形成白天為公園, 晚上為夜市的特殊景象。 二次大戰末期日本為預防空蓄水池, 供空襲時避難消防之用。戰後蓄水池填平, 重新恢復夜市風貌, 圓環一度成為臺北最興盛的夜市, 而地下防空蓄水池則逐漸被人淡忘。 直到2001年「建成圓環美食館」開挖工程, 於地下發現大片紅磚牆, 經古蹟專家鑑定為二戰時期所闢建的防空蓄水池, 決議保留, 並指定為「市定古蹟」, 以供民眾了解臺灣人民的避難歷史。
photo: 大稻埕圓環防空蓄水池
The Dadaocheng Circle Air Defence Cistern
The Circle increasingly prospered after the Tamsui railway line was built. It developed from a recreational park into an evening gathering place for street food vendors, changing face daily from a park in the daytime to a night market in the evening. In the closing phase of World War 2, Japan stopped its vending activities as a precaution against U.S. air raids. In 1943, an air defense cistern was built in the middle of the Circle, to supply water for fighting fires caused by aerial bombardment. After the war, the cistern was filled in, and the night market was restored. It soon became Taipei’s most vibrant night market, and the existence of the cistern beneath it was gradually forgotten. In 2001, excavation for building the Jiancheng Circle Gourmet Pavilion exposed its red brick walls. Once its identity had been confirmed by experts, the decision was made to preserve it. It has duly been designated as a heritage site, where everyone can learn how Taiwan’s people sought refuge from danger at a critical time in their history.
photo: The Dadaocheng Circle Air Defence Cistern