圓環夜市鼎盛時期/The heyday of the Circle Night Market




1950年 – 圓環夜市鼎盛時期

戰後臺北市陸續增加了許多圓環, 其中位於建成區(今合併於大同區)的圓環, 即為老臺北人記憶中的美食天堂「建成圓環」。 1950年代圓環夜市生意鼎盛, 攤販活動延伸至現在寧夏路與重慶北路一帶, 便有「北有圓環, 南有龍山寺」一說。
至1973年底, 重慶北路一段拓寬道路, 使得那一帶的攤商遷移至圓環成為臨時攤販, 圓環夜市愈來愈熱鬧, 到處充滿著攤販叫賣聲等煎、炒、燉、炸之料理聲音, 而這些過往的記憶也因圓環的拆除而移到了重慶北路及寧夏路夜市一帶商圈。

註:1946年合併建成町、上奎府町、下奎府町為建成區。 1990年臺北市行政區重劃, 建成區併入大同區。

photo: 圓環夜市鼎盛時期

1950s : The heyday of the Circle Night Market

After the war, many new traffic circles were built in Taipei. Among these was the Jiancheng Circle, situated in Jiancheng District (now incorporated into Datong District), fondly remembered by Taipeiers of those days as a gourmet paradise. In the 1950s, it was the hub of a booming night market, with rows of vendors stretching away to today’s Ningxia Road and Chongqing North Road. It was such a prominent landmark that people spoke of Taipei’s liveliest areas as “the Circle in the north and Longshan Temple in the south."
At the end of 1973, the widening of Chongqing North Road Section 1 forced the vendors to move from there to the Circle. This made the night market more and more vibrant. Everywhere was filled with the shouts of vendors and the enticing sounds and smells of all kinds of cooking. Later, when the Circle was removed, the vendors relocated to the night market and shopping district in Ningxia and Chongqing North Roads.

Note: Jiancheng District was formed from the merger of Kenseicho, Kamikeifucho and Shimokeifucho in 1946. In 1990, it was incorporated into Datong District under the redrawing of Taipei’s administrative districts.

photo: The heyday of the Circle Night Market